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Taktiful Case Studies

Learning how to Sell and Market Digital Embellishments

Breathing New Life Into Digital Print Embellishment Sales at FUSE GRAPHICS

Taktiful's eight-week Digital Print Embellishment training revitalized Fuse Graphics by transforming their underutilized equipment and disengaged sales team into a thriving, enthusiastic group equipped with consistent pricing strategies and effective marketing tactics. The training empowered the sales team with knowledge and confidence, leading to improved customer awareness and a significant increase in the value derived from their embellishment equipment. Fuse Graphics now stands out as a leader in digital print embellishments, thanks to the comprehensive, thought-provoking approach of Taktiful's training program.

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Taktify Estimating Software

Dynamic AI Based Print Embellishment Pricing: A Taktiful Case Study with The Kennickell Group

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities with Taktify

At Taktiful Software Solutions, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the digital print embellishment industry. Our latest success story involves The Kennickell Group, a leader in print and marketing services. By integrating our AI-powered platform, Taktify, Kennickell has successfully transformed the intricacies of pricing digital embellishments into a streamlined, profitable process.

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Learning how to Sell and Market Digital Embellishments

Unlock the Power of Digital Print Embellishment:
A Sales Training Success Story with The Kennickell Group

Discover how The Kennickell Group transformed its digital embellishment offerings after an intensive 8-week training with Taktiful. Dive into this case study to learn about the challenges they faced, the solutions Taktiful provided, and the incredible results achieved. From boosting creativity to redefining their brand narrative, see how Kennickell went from underutilizing their advanced equipment to standing out in the marketplace. Witness the evolution of a company that’s now set to redefine industry standards, and get inspired to elevate your own business.

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CyR.U.S Touch Tags

Taktiful Brand Product Development

Consultant: Matt Redbear & Kevin Abergel

We recently had the pleasure of working with CyR.U.S, the first and only modern tactile language designed to provide independence, enjoyment, and product safety for over 2.2 billion people worldwide who have some degree of vision loss. CyR.U.S's raised symbols and embossed QR codes make it easy for individuals to identify products, learn about ingredients, and understand usage through touch. Our case study showcases the incredible impact that this innovative technology has had on individuals and how we helped to bring it to life.

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Case Studies: HTML Embed

Elite Print Finishing

Taktiful Sales Training

Consultant: Kevin Abergel

Steven Roberts is the President of Elite Print Finishing, based in Burlington, North Carolina.   After purchasing an MGI Digital Embellishment Press, Steve soon realized they needed to learn a new way to market and sell tactile print based on value, not price.

He promptly signed his team up for the sales and marketing training that was being offered on digital embellishments.

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Rebecca Arnett

Taktiful Operator Training

Consultant: Ken Huizenga

Learning the tricks of the trade from an experienced machine operator is invaluable.

It not only helps operators understand all the correct settings on the machine and when to change them, but it also gives them valuable insight into the very intricate ballet that exists between machine, substrates, foils, laminates and inks.

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Kenbunsya Co., Ltd.

Taktiful Sales Training

Consultant: Yoshi Ishii

This report includes an interview with Kenbunsya's President Katsuhiko Amino and case studies explaining how the company has improved its digital embellishment adoption in a short period of time to create award-winning work thanks to training provided by Taktiful.

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Case Studies: HTML Embed

Sun Print Solutions

Taktiful Marketing Consulting

Consultant: Joanne Gore

Before Sun Print Solutions had a Messaging Playbook, they were very clear in their heads what they wanted to say and which direction they wanted to take the company but articulating these thoughts and putting them down on paper in a unified and customer-focused way was a lot more difficult than they thought.

“Each department had their own point of view as to the value and offering the company provided and sharing these multiple and different messages with customers only served to confuse them,” said RJ Deneau, Business Development Manager, Sun Print Solutions. This is their story ...

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